Falls (Updated 8/22/17)

Figure 17, Asymptotic Curves

When falling, always keep your awareness above your body. Think “up.” This will soften your movements. Fall as if the floor is more fragile than you. You can also fall utilizing the asymptotic curve. An asymptote is a vertical or horizontal curve but at the last moment approaches 0 but never gets there.


Turn leg medially then tuck behind the other leg while going down.

Cut String

Whole Body Collapse

A string pulls your arm. You are suspended by only this string and your body is completely immoble. Then somebody cuts this string and your entire body collapses.

Cascading Collapse

The string is cut and your body collapses beginning from the fingertips and then trailing down to the floor. This effect is like dominoes, a chain reaction.


Divide your fall in half, then try in three, then more. Also try while utilizing exhalation. For instance, if you fall five times, expel the breath five times.

Slow Motion

Model a slow motion fall out of one of your real time falls. The slower you can go the better. Ten minutes even. The most important thing to remember about the slow motion fall is the low level. It is much more difficult to sustain the lower you go. Keep in mind also that there is a moment of gold that happens inches from the ground. Do not lose your awareness even at the last millisecond. Sustain.


Splat on the floor like an egg. You can find something else that resonates also such as a fruit or carton of milk. You can even dance (physically or not) any fluids that pour out as a result.

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